Making Space

Making Space

Looking back over my rather ordinary life I have noticed a consistent pattern when it came to building new relationships. As Joyce and I eagerly anticipated the addition of a new baby to our married life, we also were faced with the need be adaptable in “making space” for this fresh challenge. That meant we had to move from a one bedroom apartment to a two bedroom apartment with the corresponding increase in rent. We faced the added investment of baby furniture as we spent time shopping for crib, bassinet, dresser, and a wide variety of “educational” toys. When Jennifer finally arrived in our lives we quickly discovered the necessity of  “making space” for a whole new routine of feeding and caring for this helpless creature (especially in the middle of the night).

As she grew there were always adjustments along the way to make new space. Crawling introduced a new consistent vigilance of location; talking brought the need to give more attention to what she was saying; walking resulted in a greater requirement to “play with me Daddy!” and growth demanded taking responsibility to invest time and energy in teaching, modeling and rewarding right behavior. Every relationship I have ever entered – from marriage to friendship – has always required “making space” in my life if it was going to survive and grow!

Building a relationship with Jesus, both personally and as a part of His body (the church) likewise requires us to “make space” for these relationships to begin and grow. Jesus consistently reminded His disciples to “count the cost” of following Him before starting the journey, because there is real sacrifice involved in making these new relationships vital and effective. If strength and growth are what I desire to see develop in my walk with God then making space for Jesus and His work in my life is essential! My already-full existence physically, financially and emotionally must be put in proper perspective. This concept of making space is true for everyone who wants a deeper walk with Christ. Yet we recognize that by doing so it is not that sacrifice or change we make that becomes our focus, it is the joy of knowing Him that makes the effort all worthwhile!

Making space always enriches our lives, and is the catalyst for growth in our hearts!

How exciting to be His people,
Pastor David Vanderpool