The Heart of the Matter

The Heart of the Matter

When people are engaged in a serious discussion or are looking for a real motivation behind certain actions they will usually declare that they are trying to get at “the heart of the matter.” We recognize that there all sorts of reasons people do the things they do. Sometimes it is a reaction to what someone else has done, or extenuating circumstances have forced them into a certain course of action. There are times when simple likes or dislikes motivate us to act in specific ways, while some have a determined agenda, hidden or open, that they are committed to carry through in spite of any obstacles. Ideology or deeply held philosophies are evident at times as the reason behind persistent behaviors and recurring events that shape our world or drive large and small groups of people to act and react. Whatever lies at the very foundation of our actions after all pretense and excuses have been stripped away, is what we usually describe as “the heart of the matter.” Such complete and accurate revelation is difficult to discover, and even purposely hidden at times. That fact speaks of the deceptiveness of our world which recognizes the embarrassing selfishness of its motives.

What is it that motivates the kingdom of God and its people? What is “the heart of the matter” for followers of Jesus? We too struggle with the same selfishness that consumes the world’s heart since we were once a sold-out member of the kingdom of darkness, but the salvation of Christ and the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit work to change our heart so that we are driven by different motives now! As God touches our heart, we become more and more comfortable exposing our hearts to people around us because a soft heart is always easily moved with compassion, joy, love, and all those other traits that make God’s people real and genuine!

How exciting to be His people,

Pastor David Vanderpool

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